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Zenesis is a multipurpose bot with many useful features and many more useful features are on their way!

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Zenesis is a versatile Discord bot designed to enhance your server experience in every way imaginable. With a wide array of features including moderation tools, leveling systems, fun commands, and informative utilities, Zenesis is the all-in-one solution to take your server to the next level.

šŸ”‡ AFK System: Ensure members are not missed while away with Zenesisā€™s AFK system. Automatically notify others when someone is AFK, helping to maintain communication even when users are temporarily unavailable.

šŸ“ Logging System: Keep track of important events and actions in your server with Zenesisā€™s comprehensive logging system. This is one of the most-powerful Logging systems out there!

šŸ›”ļø Moderation: Keep your server safe and harmonious with Zenesisā€™s robust moderation tools. Use Already-known Moderation commands, but also unique Systems like Future/Auto Ban.

šŸŽ‰ Leveling-system: Foster engagement and loyalty among your members with Zenesisā€™s intuitive leveling system. The system presents XP based on the number of Messages or time spent in VC. It can also present the number of mentions.

šŸ˜„ Fun Commands: Spice up your server with Zenesisā€™s collection of entertaining commands!

ā„¹ļø Info Commands: Zenesis provides a number of Commands to see Informations about Users or Server.

āœØ Elevate your Discord experience with Zenesisā€”whether managing a community or adding flair to your server!

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