Cornelius Discord Bot Logo

Cornelius Discord Bot


Full Cornelius Bot guide, with invite link to add to your server, along with Moderation commands and any Discord bot upvote rewards.

0 upvotes in June

Cornelius Discord Bot Described:

A very angry octopus that will do Admin+ArmsDealing+Enlightenment+Image+Insult+MailAndWeather+Reddit+Search+Twitch
Cornelius the very angry octapus

Cornelius has the basic ‘warn’,kick, ban, unban and clear. If you just want to take action against someone without giving a reason, the bot will come up with one for you! (toxicity varies). Cornelius also has a togglable invite link deleter. If you toggle a text channel, whenever a user without perms sends a Discord invite link, that message is deleted. With Cornelius, you can also create reaction giveaways.


This is Cornelius’ diverse currency section . The standard currency is the AK-47, which is what you can use to buy items like ICBMs, Panzers and B-24s. You can use these items to steal AKs from your friends, just to annoy them. You can also get an army of things like child-soldiers to fight for you, and enhance them by feeding them skittles. There are also minigames, e.g. hangman, snap and toucher_or_terrorist. Cornelius is an anarcho capitalist, so he also has a class system, where you can buy your way into higher classes. These classes allow to buy/do more in the ArmsDealing section, e.g. trade STONKS. This is not all of it.


Enlighten yourself by using Cornelius. You can get quotes from your bot to enhance your brain (not the cringey ones that you see on Facebook). Using the bot you can also ask your friends the eternal life question 'did anyone ask?"


server_info,user_info, coin_flip, dice, avatar and parrot.


I have tried to make the bot as self explanatory as possible. You can use Chelp [command] for more info on a command and Chelp [category] for more info on a category. Every command on the bot has some sort of accessible information attached to it.

You can also join the Official Support Server

I am quite active because I have nothing better to do with my spare time.


With one command, make a meme of your choice, with the text of your writing.


Violate your friends with Cornelius’ help (step 1, get friends).


You can send anonymous emails using Cornelius, and check the weather of your location.


Cornelius can source Reddit memes and jokes for you.


Search urban_dictionary for definitions, wiki for wikipedia, movie for movie info (sources: IMDB and TMDB), tv for tv shows, image for images and more coming soon! Cornelius is a very smart octapus.


Check how stocks or currencies are doing, using Cornelius. You can also set stonk_notifications with Cornelius too, if a STONK goes above/below a specified price, the bot will send a set message and some information into the channel where the notification was set.


Using Cornelius, you can set twitch_notifications, which sends an optional specified message, in a channel every time a specified streamer goes online. If you are bored, you can also get a link to a handpicked live streamer using Cornelius (if you want to join this list, let me know).

There are many more commands! add Cornelius to your servers to try them out.

The aim of this bot is to build a little community and give me something to do with my abundant spare time.

Check out the home page for the full Discord Bot List.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add Cornelius Discord Bot to my server?

You can add Cornelius to your Discord Server by pressing 'Add Cornelius Discord Bot' on this page.

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Prefix: c
Servers: unknown
Users: unknown
Created by: Dylan25o1#6969
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